Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jesus Loves the Little Children...

I was listening to a children's CD on the way to work in the morning.  I happen to know most of the songs, thanks to my Adventist education from San Gabriel Academy.  But Jesus Loves the Little Children comes on with a verse I haven't heard before...

Jesus died for all the children,
all the children of the world;
Red, brown, yellow, black, and white,
they are precious in his sight.
Jesus died for all the children of the world.
(image from

I don't know why, perhaps I'm a sentimental mother now, but that verse made me tear up.  The thought that Jesus died for my little Kelly too...heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time.

Needless to say, the song helped me start my day right. 

Gosh I miss my baby.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing grace...i will think upon it when i sing this new verse to my baby:)
