Tuesday, May 25, 2010

11 months and 14 days...

It's hard to believe my little booger is already going to be one...

Ricky and I find ourselves using the phrase "Last year around this time..." very often these days.
We even discussed child #2...and decided we want to wait.

Playing at church.  I think church has better toys than home!

At Jihae Imo's wedding.  She wanted to show off her cucumber slices to the servers but they all were too busy to pay any attention

Some updates on our funny little girl who is developing quite a personality:

- plays peek-a-boo with just about anything she can get her hands on. She even pauses for a few seconds for a dramatic effect.

- will shake hands with you on command "ahk-soo"

- will give "joo seh yohe" on command

- still kisses on command (since 9 months)

- still doesn't know how to wave 'hi' or bye'

- likes to show us what she's got.  And when we make a big fuss, she smiles a proud little smile.

- if we're eating something she has to have a taste (reminds me of Mylo for some weird reason).  We're getting more and more comfortable in this area.  I even gave her jap-chae off my plate at church Saturday.  And she's tasted cake (grr..her dad), ice cream (grr...her dad again), geem, fried egg, and a few other items.

- is even more attached to me than ever! I can't leave the room without her fussing

- cruises really well, even stumbling from one piece of furniture to the next

I was looking through old pictures while putting together the slideshow for her party, and I can't believe how much she's grown. The tiny thing I could hold in one hand is now a functioning little person. When I see her lying on her Boppy (yes, I'm still b.feeding), and see how her feet stick out, I can't believe my eyes.

I'm still b.feeding 3x a day...that's 3 more times than I was planning 1 year ago.  I'm going to cut down to just the nighttime feeding on her birthday and cut that out at 14months when I return to work. Thnk that'll work?  I'm not too worried. She's already showing signs of disinterest in b.feeding and doesn't seem too attached, but I'm attached to it now.  I thought b.feeding was such a drag in the beginning when it took 45 minutes and happened every 3 hours...But I'm really cherishing it these days. I notice her long eyelashes when she's eating with her eyes closed, I trace her baby-soft cheeks, I caress her long locks of hair...and it gets me emotional.

I guess that's why parents have child #2!

Excuse the pictures in this post!  I have 436 pictures in my camera that need to be uploaded to my computer.  Mobile uploads is so comfy and less time-consuming...


  1. Ahhh she's so cute grace!!! Wish I could see u guys more often :)

  2. aw....i love how you love being a mom!! :)

  3. she is too cute! i like the picture of her holding on to the baby gate! she's gotten so big! i'm sad that i haven't gotten the chance to meet her yet! when will that be?

  4. you're a trooper to stick to the b.feeding for this long. i wanted to go longer, but i simply ran out! i fed the baby yogurtland the other week & baby's dad wasn't too happy either=P. we're also talking about kid #2--we'll see!

    i just now realized we're going to see you this weekend!!!!! can you BELIEVE our girls are 1 year old?!?!?
